First Time Buyers Guide For Thatched Properties

If you’re looking to purchase a property with a thatched roof for the firs time it can seem to be a pretty daunting task. There are a range of different factors that can make buying a thatched property seem very difficult. To help you out we’ve pulled together some of the most important areas you should be aware of.

Research The Area

Research the location you’re interested in to determine if there are many thatched properties in the area because thatched roofs are more prevalent in some regions of the country. Area with thatched properties will typically have a broad infrastructure of services that are used to working with customers with a thatched roof, such as insurance, mortgages, loans, maintenance and re-thatching.

Get a Survey

The state of the thatched roof should be evaluated by a certified specialist who conducts a full survey of the property. This can give you an indication of the expected lifespan of the roof and assist in identifying any potential problems or maintenance requirements.

Due to the higher fire risk associated with thatched roofs, insurance can be more expensive; therefore, it is important to compare rates and coverage alternatives by requesting quotations from various insurance companies, as well as using your roof survey to identify any problems that should be fixed. 

Thatch Maintenance

Understand Maintenance Requirements

To keep them in good shape, thatched roofs require routine maintenance and care. This can involve pricey tasks like re-ridging, moss removal, and sporadic re-thatching. When making a purchase, be certain you are aware of the prices and required maintenance. 

Find a Reputable Thatcher

Choose a competent and skilled thatcher who can complete the work to a high standard if the property you’re interested in does need thatching work. To be sure you’re working with a trustworthy expert, ask for references and read internet evaluations.

Historic Thatch

Why Choose to Work with Simply Thatch?

Our Master Thatchers are ready, willing, and able to advise and provide quotations on how to renovate and repair your thatched roof.

With over two decades worth of experience, we’ve been brought in to work on properties across the UK, making us one of the most trusted Master Thatchers around. Check out our Google Review and you’ll see a host of happy customers who are more than satisfied with our work. 

Just fill in the form and we’ll be in touch with you to arrange a time for one of our master thatchers to come over and assess your thatched roof and give you a quote!